CONNECT the Dots
CONNECT the Dots
Jill the CONNECTION 🦋 Coach

Welcome to CONNECT the Dots

YOU matter. What you WANT matters. And getting it is EASIER than you imagine.

About Me

Jill The Connection Coach helps coaches who want to build a strong, sustainable and profitable life and business. Her compassionate, no-nonsense approach helps coaches get past the STUCK and connect with their perfect path to create the life and business that fits them perfectly.

Everything in your business revolves around connection, that's why you need The Connection Coach. Whether it's connecting to your ideal clients, connecting to your perfect offer so you can make more offers with ease, or just connecting with your mission, vision and purpose, Jill makes it easier.

She knows what it’s like to do business the hard way. It’s NOT easy and it's NOT fun.

That’s why her mission is to share Simple Strategies that make everything easier.

Because when you keep it simple, it becomes easier. Stop overthinking, over analyzing and overwhelming yourself with things that don’t make sense for your life and business.

Start connecting to the right things that lead to making money and helping people. Disconnect from the wrong things that get you stuck and make you feel like you'll never get your business working. 

And let’s do it all in a community of love, support and collaboration.

Stop worrying and start enjoying! It starts with CONNECTION!
